Tuesday, October 17, 2006

*click* Oh... wow...

Well, I thought the MCAT scores would be back Saturday. I was wrong...

Friday, when I was half-asleep during a class break, I checked.

"August 2006 MCAT scores are now available for viewing."

*deep breath*

Physical Sciences- 11, 85th percentile. Okay. Lost one there, but who cares...
Verbal Reasoning- 12, 96th percentile. Sweet. Picked up three...
Biological Sciences- 10, 75th percentile. Awesome. Picked up two!
Writing Sample- P, 70th percentile. Lost one, but who cares?

33P, overall 90th percentile. :-D

If I pull this Master's out, I have my acceptance. Bet money. :-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

*grabs rock, pulls up off cliff*

Hufff... puff... almost... there... PULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!

Three exams down, two to go. :-) This last one, though, I feel excellent about. Class average was pretty darn high, and some questions were going to get tossed, due to lots of people getting them wrong. Considering those comprise some of the ones I was unsure of, that's a major help- I would wager I know for certain what 2 were, as the only way to make sense of them was to change words around.

Almost there. One month, and this block is over.

Someone mind helping me up from this bloody rock???